Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

ordinary people to do extraordinary things

God loves to take ordinary people and use them to do extraordinary things..

Yes I am,

i ever feel like i am limited by system of this world.

I go to work, get a paycheck and bla.. bla.. bla

i have a big dreams and desires, but i dont feel loke i have the right time,place, people n others...

I'll never rise any higher..i'm limited by the system that i'm in...

BUt i remember..God likes to go outside the system,!

He likes to do unusual, extraordinary things.

i may not have all things to do

but i have God.

Yap.. I have GOd

God loves to take ordinary people and use them to do extraordinary things..

I know that GOd already has a plan.

He already has awayI just take n stay in my faith,

and He will take me places that i never thought possible..

He'll take me way beyond my system

and i live the life of victory He has in store

2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

ditempatkan pada sesuatu yang extraordinary dan kemudian ordinary people will never be the same :)

cuma yaa... pemilihan untuk penempatannya yang random dari yang diatas itu loo.. bikin berharap2 cemas.. kapan ya kita dapet giliran to face something BIG :)

ah.. salam kenal

ade mengatakan...

@ reedler...

just enjoy ur best situation aja...
nunggu proses jgn diambil pusing dan depresi... hehehee....