Jumat, 14 Maret 2008

Separate Self

Separate Self

Today i learn something, about to be not same with bad things around me, not to make myself more comfort, but to be a different people, who impact, for my growing .. i got that...:

Careful about what you are allowing into your mind. Be careful about what you read and what you watch. Don't give your attention to things that are going to drag you down. Choose to separate yourself today

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

woii meyy...salam kenal :D

Yoi non...bukan kondisi yg bikin kita nyaman. Tapi gmn kita bikin kondisi jadi nyaman. "bikin surgamu sendiri" :D

ade mengatakan...



Anonim mengatakan...

udah ga diupdate